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Fahrenheit - Celsius
Last Update 6/8/2024        Modiin Beit Shemesh altitude is 50m above sea level

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Climate Information for the Inland Plain

The Inland Plain is in the center of Israel between the coastal plain and the foothills of the Judean Mountains. The plain is characterized by low hills, from 140-400 meters above sea level. The climate is Mediterranean. The plain runs from the northwest to the southeast. It is about 100 kilometers long. The northern section is wetter than the southern and the higher hills are somewhat cooler than the lowlands.

Precipitation ranges from 300-450mm per year. The rain falls from November to March. The forecast at www.israelweather.co.il for this area is based on conditions at the center of the plain at an elevation of 250-300 meters above sea level.

Snow fell throughout the plain in 1950 and in the winter of 1991-92. Above 350 meters snow falls about once in ten years.

Winter high temperatures are in the 18-20C range and winter lows are in the 8-10C range. Frost and very cold weather occur only every few years.

Summers are hot and humid. Summer temperatures are higher than both the coast and the mountains. The humidity is lower than along the coast but higher than in the mountains. Summer highs are around 30-33C and, along with humidity of 50%, create severe heat stress almost every day. Summer lows are 20-22C but humidity is about 90%.

In summer and autumn there are many nights with extensive or broken fog the entire length of the plain. The fog is especially pronounced in the southern part of the plain where the plain meets the northern Negev. The fog is caused by northwest winds that bring high humidity to the area.

There are many tourist attractions in the Central Plain, among them: Ben Shemen Forest; Hulda Forest; Beit Guvrin National Park; Britannia Park; Shorek Cave; Nes Tziona Hills; Ayalon-Canada Park; Nitzanim Beach; the Burma Road; Beit Jama'al; Yoav Hot Springs; and the Caslon River.

Every day an updated one-week forecast for the Inland Plain is available at www.israelweather.co.il. The forecast includes expected daytime and nighttime temperatures. The forecast for the Inland Plain is comparable to the forecast for the following areas: Beit Shemesh, Rehovot, Modi'in, Elad, Shoham, Rosh Ha'ayin, Ben Shemen, Petah Tikvah, Yehud, Or Yehuda, Gedera, Beit Dagan, Yavne, Lod, Ramle, Ben Gurion Airport, Nes Tziona, Mazkeret Batya, Kiryat Malachi, Sderot, the Lachish area, and Kiryat Gat
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