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geographical coordinates of Israel 32.72N 35.33E
The annual average rainfall 1990-2010 480mm
Fahrenheit - Celsius
Last Update 18/9/2024        Ein Bokek-Sodom altitude is 500m above sea level

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Climate Information for Ein Bokek and the Dead Sea Area
The Dead Sea is the lowest place in the world. The elevation at the water surface decreases about one meter per year. Presently, the elevation of the water surface is 425 meters below sea level. The elevation of the surrounding shores and other low-lying areas ranges between 390 to 250 meters below sea level. The Dead Sea area has a desert climate.
Rainfall varies. At Ein Bokek annual rainfall is 50mm; at Ein Gedi, 80mm; and on the northern shore, 120mm. Most of the rain falls from December to February. The rain is characteristically very heavy localized rain that produces flash floods which fill the riverbeds and can halt traffic on the roads, especially between Ein Gedi and Ein Bokek. Rain in the spring and fall comes from the Red Sea Trough that develops to the south of the region. The clouds associated with these systems develop during the afternoon and produce heavy thunderstorms with occasional hail causing flashfloods and mudslides.
Hikers and general travelers in the area are advised to listen regularly to the local weather forecast because of the danger of flash floods. Tragically, flash floods have killed a number of travelers over the years (in addition to causing, extensive property damage). Travelers should keep in mind that flash floods in the Dead Sea area can be caused by rain that falls far to the north, in the Hebron Mountains or the Judean Mountains. Forecasting flash floods is difficult at best; they sometimes occur from a highly localized storm that develops suddenly. Travelers are advised not to hike in the flood zone on such days. When there are flash floods, it is best not to enter the rivers at all. The speed of the floods is quite fast owing to the effect of the local topography. Rain that falls at an elevation of about 1000 meters above sea level, flows a relatively short distance but falls to -400 meters. This causes very fast and dangerous moving water. People who like to watch the floods should take care to do so only from safe, high ground. There are three excellent places from which to observe the floods. At the northern end of the Dead Sea, is Tamarim (dates) River which can flood from rain in the Judean Mountains. Another good vantage point is at the Bokek River waterfall. The river leads to the hotels at Ein Bokek. The floods come from rain over the Hebron Mountains. Finally, there is a good vantage point at Hever River near Ein Gedi. Here, the flash floods are caused by rain over either the Judean Mountains or the Hebron Mountains.
Winter daytime temperatures are relatively mild and the nights are cool. Highs are 19-22C.and the lows are 8-12C. Travelers should be aware that winter nights are much colder away from the shores of the Dead Sea than along the shores. The lows away from the sea can be 7-8C colder than on the shores! The water of the Dead Sea in the winter is 15-17C.
Summers are burning hot. Temperatures along the shore are 39-42C and with humidity of 45% the heat stress in the afternoon is very severe to extreme. Ein Bokek is the hottest place along the Dead Sea. The hottest time of day is mid-to-late afternoon through the late evening hours. The highest temperature ever recorded was 49.2C. Away from the shore, the humidity drops to 25%. The higher humidity along the shore is caused by the predominant southeasterly winds which traverse the sea and bring moisture to the shores.
Summertime low temperatures are still in the 30C range and are often higher. The lows at Ein Bokek range from 30-35C. Ein Gedi is about two degrees cooler at night than Ein Bokek and the northern shores are another degree cooler still. The nighttime temperatures are so high in the summer because the temperature of the water in the Dead Sea is 35-37C.
Keep in mind that there is a great difference in the nighttime summer lows between the Dead Sea shores and the areas inland in the Judean Desert. Inland summer nights are 7-8C cooler than along the Dead Sea shores. Also keep in mind that the desert is not shaded so hikers must take care to be well-equipped with a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, light summer clothing, and plentiful water. The greatest heat stress is felt between 13:00 and 16:00.
The website www.israelweather.co.il; provides accurate weather forecasts for the Dead Sea and the nearby desert areas. There are many marked hiking trails in the desert. The forecast nighttime temperatures are for Ein Bokek. Keep in mind that the inland temperatures are likely to be much cooler. Hikers and other visitors to the area must be alert to the possibility of flash floods except in the summer. The greatest danger to health and safety in the summer is the heat stress that is very severe to extreme every afternoon and evening. During the hottest time of the year, hikers and visitors are advised to take extreme precautions that include hats, sunglasses, sunscreen, and much water, but prudence may also dictate simply not exerting oneself too much during the heat of the day. The forecast is applicable to the following locations: Arugot River; Prat River; Tze'elim River; Og River; Qumran River; Kidron River; Darga River; Hazazon River; Kedem River; David River; Hever River; Mishmar River; Ye'elim River; Zohar River; Haimar River; Ein Nemer; Ein Anava; Na'ama Pool; Tzfira Pool; Masada; Ein Pascha; Zin River; Kalia; Biankini Vacation Village; Ein Gedi; Springs of Tzukim; Dead Sea Works; and the Dead Sea shores generally.
Keep in mind that the term 'river' means a dry river bed. There is no risk of flashfloods in the summer but in all other months a dry river bed can become a raging torrent of water in a matter of minutes. Thus, the warnings given above. The term 'Ein' means spring. The springs often have water in the summer.
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